
HOME > 健康診断 > Employees Medical Examinations

Employees Medical Examinations

Medical examinations play a role in helping university employees lead healthy work lives. In order to enable employees to keep tabs on their health and to maintain or improve it, and pursuant to the Industrial Safety and Health Act and the Nagoya University Employee Work Rules, all Nagoya University employees (excluding student employees and part-time employees working less than 20 hours a week) are required to undergo a medical examination every year.

All individuals subject to medical examination will receive an examination card and instructions at the beginning of the examination period, so please follow undergo the examination according to those instructions.

You can view your examination results online (on-campus access only).

Web browsing available
General medical examinations and some special medical examinations conducted within Nagoya University

No web browsing available
Employee underwent a new hire medical examination, special medical examination (excluding a part of), etc

Summer examination results are published in early September, and winter examination results are published in early February (publishing schedule subject to change).

Medical Examination Period

Medical checkup lmplementation Plan List

Notice of Employees Medical Examinations

■Schedule and Place

 <Higashiyama Campus
  Examination Date: June 24-28, 2024
  Place: Toyoda Auditorium and Symposion Hall
    ※Bus dispatch from Higashiyama Campus to Daiko Campus: June 25&26

 <Tsurumai Campus>
  Examination Date: July 7-12, 2024
  Place: Auditorium (New Clinical Laboratory and Examination Center 3F)

●Please refrain from unnecessary conversations.
●Please leave the site as soon as possible after your health check-up is finished.

Web browsing procedures(NU only) 

 NUPORTAL → Operations → Administration procedures → For staff → Bulletin boards, faculty recruitment, research aid, power failures, etc. (Internet Explorer or Firefox recommended) (NU only) → 福利厚生・社会保険関係 → 職員健康診断結果のWeb閲覧の手順

Web browsing available
General medical examinations and some special medical examinations conducted within Nagoya University

No web browsing available
Employee underwent a new hire medical examination, special medical examination (excluding a part of), etc

※Summer examination results are published in early September, and winter examination results are published in early February (publishing schedule subject to change).

Employees are exempt from regular medical examination under the following conditions:

1) If the employee underwent a new hire medical examination in the same academic year
2) If the employee underwent a complete medical examination or a health check-up at a medical institution and submitted those results to the University (If examination results are sent by the medical institution directly to the University, they will be delivered unopened by internal mail to you as personal mail (via your department or division office), so please resubmit them yourself.

・If you have undergone a complete medical examination or other check-up, depending on the timing of the examination, a Specific Worker Medical Examination may not be required. (However, it may not be skipped in a new hire medical examination. In this case, undergoing the Specific Worker Medical Examination is mandatory.)
・Even individuals in categories (1) or (2) are required to undergo Special Medical Examinations if necessary.

Special Medical Examinations

 Confirmation of employees engaged in specific hazardous work will be conducted at the end of the academic year. Please submit the “Specific Hazardous Work Engagement Situation Confirmation Slip” to the General Affairs Department Personnel Affairs & Labor Division Welfare Section via the individual in charge of personnel affairs at your department. (Individuals not engaged in specific hazardous work are not required to submit this document.)
If there are any changes to your job duties, please submit a Notification of Change (for newly hired employees, New Notification) as necessary.
Necessary medical examinations will be conducted on the basis of the submitted Confirmation Slips.

Notification of Details Pertaining to Specific Hazardous Operations

Medical Examinations for Employees Dispatched Overseas

 Applicable to all employees who are scheduled to be dispatched overseas (for business or training) for six months or longer, or who have returned from such overseas dispatch. For appointment, please contact your department’s administrative office.

For inquiries related to the implementation of employee medical examinations:
General Affairs Department Personnel Affairs & Labor Division      
(Please replace [at] with @)

For inquiries related to employee medical examination results (including consultations):
Health Administration Office        hokekan[at]htc.nagoya-u.ac.jp
(Please replace [at] with @) 



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